Science to Share


How can you reduce your energy consumption?

By Alissa Kerklingh New research has shown that energy poverty is a growing problem in the Netherlands. That is why in this article we look at what energy poverty is, what possible solutions are and we provide opportunities to reduce your energy consumption yourself.   ENERGY POVERTY Energy poverty is a serious problem in the…

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How to learn while asleep

While the lights are turned OFF, your brain is still ON Allow me to paint you a scene. You’re 30-ish and you’ve been able to scramble together the whole shebang; Lovely partner, kids, a job, some good friends to spend your Friday evenings with, etc. All fun and games, of course, but also a bit…

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From sewage to bioplastic

By Jaap Langenhoff Have you ever wondered what will happen with your excrement after flushing the toilet? The fact that it might turn into a ready to use toothbrush made from plastic would probably come as a surprise. According to scientists from the Wider business Opportunities for raw materials from Wastewater (WOW) project, sewage contains…

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Crickets: from wild to sustainable food resource

By Yihong Li   Our food demand has increased over the years. New sustainable future food source is required to help traditional agriculture to fill the food shortage because the growing temperature of our planet and climate change has caused more natural threats to the crop, resulting in more harm to the crop yield. Thus, how…

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Fungi: the cows of the future?

Now that even McDonalds has introduced a McPlant, there is no way around it: plant-based meat substitutes will be more and more available. What kind of meat substitutes are actually available in the supermarket? And what can be expected from meat substitutes in the future? In the coming year, a team of Utrecht and Danish…

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A mini brain with eyes

Written by Tara Wingelaar Growing artificial eyes with your own DNA in a lab. This sounds like an interesting futuristic scenario, but this is already being done in labs. A research team from the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf has recently grown small brains in the laboratory that can also grow eyes. The eye structures…

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Does Bio-Asphalt Turn Out Better?

By Rebecca Kuijpers   Perhaps you have recently seen an article about the use of bio-asphalt in the Netherlands. This is being experimented with in more and more places in the Netherlands. In June 2021, for example, a 250-metre-long test section was constructed on the N987 between Siddeburen and Wagenborgen with completely plant-based asphalt. This…

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Contagious yawning, is it as social as we thought?

Everyone knows it or has experienced it themselves. You see someone yawning and you get the urge to yawn yourself. It is often mentioned that when you yawn when someone else yawns you have a good relationship with that person. It was often said that contagious yawning has to do with empathy, empathizing with someone else’s feelings. Only is…

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Seashells inspire a CO2 storage solution

      Each human adds on average 4 kg of CO2 in the seawater per day. This gas impacts oceans by changing their chemistry. It endangers animal species such as the mollusks that build the beautiful shells you are used to seeing during holidays. In this perspective, we need solutions to remove CO2 from…

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This is how your phone (no longer) keeps you awake

By Lukas Graff It seemed perfect: the blue-light filters that suddenly appeared on all computers and smartphones. You press a button in the evening and your screen light takes on an orange hue, so nighttime screen use no longer keeps you from sleeping. But unfortunately, recent American research into the blue light filter on smartphones does…

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