A plant-based diet

Plant-based meat substitutes, (un)healthy?
Chicken pieces, Knakroot, Bean nuggets, Biekstukc and not to forget the Beyond-Meat Burger. Nowadays you cannot name a meat product without a vegetable variant. These meat substitutes are a lot more sustainable and animal-friendly. In most cases they also just taste very good! But… sustainable also means healthy? The meat substitutes fall in the category…
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Plantaardige vleesvervangers, gezond of ongezond?
Kipstuckjes, Knakwortel, Boonnuggets, Biekstukc en niet te vergeten de Beyond-Meat Burger. Tegenwoordig kan je geen vleesproduct noemen of er bestaat wel een plantaardige variant van. Deze vleesvervangers zijn namelijk een stuk duurzamer en diervriendelijker. Ook smaken ze in de meeste gevallen gewoon erg lecker! Maar… betekent duurzaam ook gezond? De vleesvervangers vallen namelijk in de…
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Fungi: the cows of the future?
Now that even McDonalds has introduced a McPlant, there is no way around it: plant-based meat substitutes will be more and more available. What kind of meat substitutes are actually available in the supermarket? And what can be expected from meat substitutes in the future? In the coming year, a team of Utrecht and Danish…
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Making big dreams come true with the smallest plant in the world.
Water lentils, the smallest plant on earth with big plans for the future. For some, perhaps earlier known as duckweed, the plant that provides a green blanket over the ditches in the Netherlands. Mainly known for ducks as a delicious meal. But not for much longer. This plant has the potential to become…
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Meat VS Vegan; everything about nutrients in a plant-based diet
By Vincent Kramer You may know it; you’ve been to the gym to work on your muscles and you want to regain strength. Some people will then eat everything they can, while others eat a little more specifically and focus mainly on the proteins for muscle recovery. Anyone who is somewhat at home in the…
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Meet the team
Have you ever had a plant-based meat substitute? It seems that more and more people prefer this to a piece of meat. The exact number of vegans in the Netherlands is unknown, but according to an estimate by the Dutch Vegan Association, it was about 45,000 people in 2014 and 150,000 people in 2020. And…
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