
Fashion & Mathematics: Is there a connection we rarely see?
When seeing or hearing the words Fashion and Mathematics, would you think they’re related? Could you ever imagine saying that you’re studying mathematics to become a fashion designer? Most probably not, but maybe this idea is not as far-fetched as you may think. Many people see the worlds of fashion and mathematics as two completely…
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Breathing oceans; to be hopeful about climate change
You hear it all the time in the news; climate change is getting worse, we have to act now! Sea level is rising, temperature is warming, what do we do?! The new IPCC report that recently came out again shows we are not doing enough to reduce the effects of climate change. What if I…
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Are your melatonin supplements ruining your sleep schedule?
You’ve probably heard or are even using melatonin supplements to help you sleep at night, after all they’re readily available in the apothecary so they must be safe right? Well yes but some more recent studies have shown that we might be asking the wrong question. More relevant questions have recently surfaced. Do we even…
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Plant-based meat substitutes, (un)healthy?
Chicken pieces, Knakroot, Bean nuggets, Biekstukc and not to forget the Beyond-Meat Burger. Nowadays you cannot name a meat product without a vegetable variant. These meat substitutes are a lot more sustainable and animal-friendly. In most cases they also just taste very good! But… sustainable also means healthy? The meat substitutes fall in the category…
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Plantaardige vleesvervangers, gezond of ongezond?
Kipstuckjes, Knakwortel, Boonnuggets, Biekstukc en niet te vergeten de Beyond-Meat Burger. Tegenwoordig kan je geen vleesproduct noemen of er bestaat wel een plantaardige variant van. Deze vleesvervangers zijn namelijk een stuk duurzamer en diervriendelijker. Ook smaken ze in de meeste gevallen gewoon erg lecker! Maar… betekent duurzaam ook gezond? De vleesvervangers vallen namelijk in de…
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Organs out of the printer in the fight against diabetes
Scientists from the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Sweden have received a joint grant to work on a new 3D printer. The researchers are building this new printer at the UMC Utrecht. This printer will print pancreatic tissue. Scientists then use this printed tissue to test drugs for diabetes. At the age of twelve Robbert…
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Nuclear energy: a polluted debate?
In October 2021, the Netherlands did not join the French lobby to include nuclear energy in the taxonomy, while a majority of the House of Representatives would like to. If nuclear energy is included in the taxonomy, it would mean that nuclear energy will be seen as “green energy” and that there will be more…
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Can green transport be accessible to everyone?
Green transport is an important means of combating climate change. At the beginning of September, the first electric inland vessel in the Netherlands was on the NOS news. In addition, sustainable driving trucks are starting to gain ground in daily life, according to Kijk magazine, as evidenced by the article from last April. The emergence…
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From the oceans to your car
Will the gasoline in your car be made out of oceanic CO2 in the future? It may sound strange now, but in the future this might be one of the ways we combat climate change and the warming that CO2 causes. Research conducted in 2021 by Straatman and van Sark shows potential to take CO2…
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How menstruation can cost less
By Iris Don Ever get tired of how much tampons cost you each month? What if there was a safe, sustainable, and considerably cheaper alternative? This article will discuss everything you need to know about the menstrual cup, focusing on the pros and cons compared to other products. The menstrual cup is a small medical-grade…
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